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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mango Icy

It is summer in the United States and boy is it hot!  Thankfully the weather is cooling off a bit.  And thats good, because I can go for my 1-2 mile run at the park without being too exhausted.  We all need to cool off though, and when you're looking for a healthy diet, this icy is right there.  Ice cream's good, however, ice creams can be very high in saturated fats, almost 25%.  This icy is so simple, yummy, and healthy.  So next time you want to grab for that ice cream, whip this up instead for a great summer time treat.  If you buy a mango that is really sweet, you won't even need to add sugar.  A sweet mango is usually found in local indian stores, that is where I got mine.  Happy eating!  And don't forget to like A Sweet Load on Facebook!

Mango Icy
3 cups mango puree
1-2 tablespoons sugar
5 tablespoons milk

Mix on the ingredients together in the blender and blend.  Pour the mixture into a carton or ziploc box and freeze for 6-8 hours.  When you are serving the icy take it out 10 minutes before (it will come out easier this way).

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